7 Types of Wellness for Women You Need to Learn Now
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This post is all about the different types of wellness for women.
Many consider the idea of wellness to be self-care, relaxation, and, for some, meditation. Women’s wellness topics aren’t limited to the range that the media portrays. Wellness for women is meant to be incorporated daily through routines that create overall wellness, one in which you don’t need to take a break and seek. We’re giving you 7 Types of Wellness for Women You Need to Learn Now through practice and many years of tradition.
1. The Language of Wellness Words
What are wellness words? Wellness words encompass the language you choose to direct yourself with daily. This can take some time, but how you speak to yourself has a lot of effect on how you see, feel, and even receive. The language we use practicing wellness words can change our perspective on the world and situations, giving us a better shot at a better outcome. It only takes 30 days to form a habit! Let’s give it a try. When you speak about yourself, speak in a way that makes you believe whatever you say will come true. Be cognizant of your choices towards yourself. Instead of saying, “This is too hard for me,” we can consciously be aware and rather say, “This is meant to allow me to grow.” If we stick with our first statement, we’ll stay in the repetitive cycle of believing things are eminently hard. We don’t want to do that. Here are some words you can incorporate in the way you speak to us about yourself:
2. Incorporating Ayurveda
If you’re unfamiliar with Ayurveda, let me introduce you to the methods and practices that have occurred for centuries in ancient Indian culture. The word Ayurveda means “knowledge of life.” In this practice, several elements of the living being are sought in harmony: the mind, body, spirit, and environment. It implies that all creation is made up of the five elements. Earth, wind, fire, water, air. These elements create the Dosha Theory, which separates these five elements into categories to better understand their function and prevent ailments, illnesses, etc. Ayurveda is a holistic method of healing the body by incorporating herbs, meditation, life-coaching, and even treatments using oils.
Vata Dosha controls air and space, meaning it can care for parts of the body and mind that are characterized as cold, quick, dry, light, and rough. Understanding Vata Dosha can allow you to create the thought that potential anxiety or irrationality could be served with a form of meditation. Mediation massages, maintaining 8 hours of sleep, and grounding are balancing for this Dosha.
Pitta Dosha controls fire and water, meaning it can care for parts of the digestion, metabolism, and hormones. Any body part that is acidic, oily, hot, sharp, light, and burning. The fire inside demonstrated in yoga allows the practice to be fuelled due to its light and power within. Those who characterize themselves with pitta usually are very high-strung, energetic, quick-tempered, and have associations with heart disease. With fire, we need water to balance. Are you getting it now? Each Dosha is meant to pair with itself for balance. If there is a fire within, we need cool elements, like non-spicy vegetables, low-acidic foods, and slower movements, such as yoga.
Kapha Dosha controls earth and water, meaning it can care for body and mind parts representing heavy, slow, and steady. This aligns more with the body's growth, immunity, and stability. If you like routine, structure, acceptance, calming, and patience, this is your Dosha. People with the Kapha Dosha are more likely to gain weight. Sweets and salts are not your friend. Limit these as much as possible. The only thingthing the human body can live without entirely is sugar. It is not needed in the body. To prevent diseases such as cancer, obesity, and diabetes, it is recommended that you take on light exercises that allow the body to move in some capacity. Even swimming.
Check out our herbs for year around immunity here.
3. Herbs for Year Around Immunity
Since learning about Ayurveda, we dug into Chinese Herbal Medicine to find the top three herbs you can drink daily to keep your immune system up and beat winter head colds! Our Founder swears by these three herbs and drinks them every single day. She reported that in 2023, she did not get one cold. Are you ready?
Spearmint - the first thing you want in your belly is something to aid in your digestion. Whether we know or not, our immune system is in our bellies. With millions of bacteria in our stomachs, everything else falls into place when we keep things balanced. Spearmint is a great herb to aid in digestion. It is incredibly high in antioxidants and even balances hormones.
Nettle Leaf - the second most important thing to understand is that inflammation causes a ripple effect in the body. The majority of illnesses within the body begin with inflammation. Nettle Leaf is the superhero for inflammatory hormones. Nettle leaf is also high in calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Lastly, and most importantly, it helps lower blood pressure. The calcium allows the heart to relax, which, therefore, lowers blood pressure.
Mullein - here’s where we get to the good stuff. Now that our immune system and inflammation are covered let’s look into the herb that helps protect our respiratory system. Mullein is phenomenal when used daily for preventative measures. It is safe to use year-round, and it is helpful in preventing asthma, colds, coughs, and bronchitis. It is a natural expectorant. Not only is it anti-inflammatory, but its anti-bacterial properties make for the best combination for optimal health.
4. Honoring your Body
What do we mean when we say honoring your body? The vessel carrying you through life right now deserves a little love. As women, we go through hormonal shifts every day of the month. As women, our bodies change more than several times in a lifetime. We’re fighters, survivors, and creators all in one. Every woman has something we can all relate to. It’s easy to compare and choose the least productive words in our heads, but we all go through similar journeys of change. Honoring your body is intended to give a moment of grace and gratitude for this body that is helping you reach your goals, fulfill your passion, and manifest your dreams with you.
5. Importance of Incorporating a Passion
Our day-to-day lives may include work, getting the kids ready for school, taking care of loved ones, and the same routine that we usually do. It’s necessary, but sometimes the mundane can make us feel emotions. Sometimes proud, occasionally melancholy, and sometimes even stuck. Passions help you find the balance. We need a source of joy and motivation outside everything and everyone we have in our lives. Taking the time once or twice a week to fuel a passion reset the tone of our mindsets and energy in our other tasks. It helps us look forward to the excitement of something new for us. For some, passions include digging up a hobby you used to do every weekend as a little girl. Maybe it’s new, and you’ve been so eager to try. No matter what it is, you need something for yourself. Here’s the gameplan:
Find it.
Book it now.
Show up for yourself and follow through.
Do yourself a favor, and do it once. If the passion you’re trying isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be, try something else. Solo passions are a way to step out of your comfort zone and show up for her. Having a hobby and community outside of your norm helps your personality evolve. If we continue to do the same thing repeatedly, we’re not creating new neuro pathways in the brain. As Dr. Joe Dispenza once said, “Brain cells that fire together wire together.” If you continue to do the same thing repeatedly, your body could be on autopilot. Do you want your body controlling you or your mind/heart?
6. Limiting Caffeine
Did you know that caffeine doesn’t actually boost energy? What it actually does is release a chemical in the brain that, as a result, creates anxiety. The energy you perceive is a form of a mild anxiety attack. Caffeine, to many, helps with functionality and is known scientifically to boost your metabolism. We love the smell and taste of coffee. Here’s a comment from one of our readers on one of her stories with coffee:
"Growing up, coffee was an intricate part of my household. I would wake up and smell my mother making the coffee. I would even grow up to love coffee ice cream. It would be everywhere. Even in the evenings, when the adults would have a party in the late nights of the hour, they'd have coffee while they were having dessert. It wasn't until I was in my late teens that I began to notice a severe dependency, which ultimately led me to have a severe anxiety attack one day. That really began my journey to becoming caffeine-free. I have many friends who love coffee, and I still love heading to the coffee shop for the thrill of the smells. So, I dedicated myself to becoming an advocate for awareness. I'll never convince my friends to quit, but it always seems to shock them when I say that caffeine reduces cerebral function in the brain by 30%."
Limiting caffeine can increase long-term memory, reduce blood pressure, and even reduce anxiety. When we live in a calm state, our decisions and reactions mimic our minds. Wellness includes what we do to fuel our bodies. Limiting and reducing coffee can bring back vital brain functions that we may not have known we were cutting off in the first place. Give your body the chance to do what it does best!
7. Creating a Board of Directors
Successful businesses have one thing in common: they all have advisors. Wellness is valuable enough to consider taking the initiative to ensure you receive the best guidance and information possible to create happiness, health, and goals. Therefore, having and creating those around us to hold accountability is one path to growth. Listening to suggestions, advice, and opinions from those you seek professionally and trust can ultimately create a well-rounded life for yourself. Not necessarily do you have to take the suggestions of others, but being able to be advised and listen objectively is a common trait found in successful and thriving individuals. Creating a board of directors for your life could change the trajectory of your overall wellness journey. Whether that is a wellness coach, ayurveda teacher, pastor, financial advisor, or even a mentor, who you choose is up to you. We suggest balancing the areas of life where you need priority guidance. Here are a few areas you can think about:
General Education
This post was all about wellness for women.